Pilates Flow : A Bit Of Everything
Amy Brogan
This flow class works the whole body. Flowing from one move to the next working the abdominals, stretching the shoulders, working the glutes and ensur...
Pilates Flow : A Perfect Start
Zoë Harris
A great beginner workout for anyone new to Pilates. Zoe incorporates lots of stretching and strengthening to get the body moving....
Pilates Flow : Dancers Edge
Michelle Lafortune
This workout is a Pilates body weight flow with a focus on the glutes and core. This is a great workout for people wanting to work on their flexibilit...
Pilates Flow : Dynamic Movement
Zoë Harris
This class explores different types of movement patterns. Experimenting with the body and uncovering what it can do whilst maintaining the Pilates pri...
Pilates Flow : Megaformer On The Mat
JJ Tindale
A spin on the old Lagree workouts or any megaformer workout this Pilates Flow class is all about time under tension....
Pilates Flow : Non Stop
Yasmin Jones Sheahan
Non stop, this class is definitely one for those of us that want to work extra hard. A total body workout flowing from one move to the next this class...